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 [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient

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7 participants
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Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeSam 25 Juil 2009 - 15:10

En ce moment même, cinq armées ottomanes assiègent Sofia, la capitale du royaume de Bulgarie. Le grand assaut contre l'Aristotélité a commencé.

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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Jamais sans ma gousse

Messages : 3319
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 18

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeDim 26 Juil 2009 - 11:56

Y avait pas 5 armées sous les murs de Genève également, lors de la croisade ?

Mais bon, on va pas chipoter devant un si beau rassemblement...
A la limite, on l'utilise comme argument "paix civile" face aux orthodoxes, ou au contraire comme signe de la colère de Deos face à l'obscurantisme et au bizhounisme romains ?

Réformaté et causifiant.
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Huguen11
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Messages : 279
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeDim 26 Juil 2009 - 14:22

La Colere de Déos mon en a ras la casquette des mensonges, de l'or et du pourpre...ça s'comprend. C'est un gars simple l'déos!
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Messages : 18
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeLun 27 Juil 2009 - 11:30

Ouais, d'accord avec ça...
Commence à en avoir marre de la paix civile avec les bisounours...
J'y viens, j'y viens ...
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Faucheur Volontaire

Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juil 2009 - 12:39

Citation :
27-07-2009 : Romanya'dan Bulgaristan'a Yardım

Cl3ric önderliğindeki bir Romen ordusunun Osmanlı ordularına karşı Bulgaristan'a yardım etmek için harekete geçtiği bildiriliyor. Bu ordu görgü tanıklarına göre yaklaşık 20 kişilik bir kuvvetten oluşuyor. Ancak bu durumun taktiksel amaçlı olduğu ve sayılarının artabileceği düşünülüyor. Cl3ric'in muhabirimize yaptığı açıklamaya göre savaşa tam kuvvetle girecekler.

Haiducii Valahi (Romen Haydutlar) isimli bu grup, Romanya Yönetiminden izin almamış durumda, sadece özel bir askeri teşkilat. Grubun lideri Cl3ric, " Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na bir karşıtlığımız yok, ONE ordusu Romanya'ya saldırdığında bizim yanımızda olan Bulgar dostlarımıza borcumuzu ödemek istiyoruz sadece" diyor, ve ekliyor "Osmanlı orduları ile savaşta karşılaşmak bizim için bir şeref olacak"

HV ordusunun Bulgaristan'a ne zaman ulaşacağı ve savaşa ne zaman müdahil olacağı bilinmiyor.

Ziyapasa - AAP Osmanlı

quand même, hein...

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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kartouche le magnifique
kartouche le magnifique

Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juil 2009 - 21:47

Si au moins c'était traduit en roumain...
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nicbur l'Issime
nicbur l'Issime

Messages : 466
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Juil 2009 - 22:37

c'est quel langue Izaac? que je comprenne quelque chose

C'est moi l'plus balèze... tremblez comtois!!!
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Huguen11
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Faucheur Volontaire

Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeVen 31 Juil 2009 - 9:13

Du turc, mon bon nicbur, du turc... la langue des barbares orientaux, qui passent leur vie allongés sur des divan entourés de jeunes femmes sexy.

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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Faucheur Volontaire

Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 8:30

Citation :
17/03/1463 Intervista al Comandante Harun. sulla Guerra Greco - Turca

Esteri (KAP) > Intervista al Comandante Harun. sulla Guerra Greco - Turca

Venezia - Un nuovo conflitto è scoppiato nella penisola Balcanica. Agli inizi del mese di Febbraio le armate turche hanno invaso il territorio della Grecia intenzionati a sottomettere il paese sotto la sovranità dell'Impero Ottomano. Per comprende maggiormente i motivi di questa guerra siamo riusciti a intervistare il comandante dell'esercito turco Harun.

Redattore: Generale Harun, ci dica qualcosa su di lei. Chi siete e perché avete deciso di diventare un soldato?

Generale Harun.: Io sono Evrenosoglu Harun ''il Veloce''. Sono l'erede della famiglia Evrenosoglu e il nipote di Archangelus che è il leader della nostra famiglia. Io vengo da Tekirdağ, Edirne. Nella mia vita ho avuto così tanti ruoli in Edirne e anche in Tekirdağ. In accordo con la tradizione turca, diventare soldato non è un lavoro. Perché ogni cittadino in Ottomano è comunque un soldato. Se noi abbiamo una guerra, combattiamo per la nostra patria. E io sono un comandante perché sono membro di una delle più grandi famiglie turche. E io sono il responsabile di questa guerra nella mia famiglia.

Redattore: Perché l'impero Ottomano ha deciso di attaccare la Grecia?

Generale Harun.: Attualmente la Grecia è una parte dell'Impero Ottomano, infatti, Bulgaria, Grecia e Ottomania, votano per il Patisah (Re) della Bulgaria, Grecia e Ottomania insieme. Ma loro si sono ribellati contro di noi, da anni. Ogni volta che loro sono fuori dalle difficoltà, ci attaccano. Noi dobbiamo sopprimere la ribellione e annettere la Grecia.

Redattore: Cosa pensa la popolazione turca di questa guerra?

Generale Harun.: Un enorme numero di persone turche stanno partecipando alla guerra. Almeno tutte le grandi famiglie turche e gruppi in Ottomania partecipano alla guerra.

Redattore: Pensate di poter vincere facilmente la guerra?

Generale Harun.: Dire una guerra ''facile'' è davvero irrispettoso per i nostri nemici e per la guerra. Inoltre, ogni guerra ha qualche difficoltà. E se mi chiedi cosa mi aspetto da questa guerra, io posso dirti sicuramente ''vittoria''.

Redattore: Potreste farci una cronologia di questa guerra?

Generale Harun.: Noi abbiamo iniziato questa guerra più di 4 mesi fa. Noi ci stavamo preparando. La guerra è iniziata tre anni fa. Questa settimana abbiamo preso due città greche e stiamo marciando verso la Capitale. Ora stiamo aspettando fuori la città. Questo è ciò che posso dirti.

Redattore: Cosa ne pensate delle forze armate greche?

Generale Harun.: Loro stanno combattendo sotto la bandiera bosniaca a causa del loro prestigio. Loro sono troppo codardi per combattere contro di noi con le loro sole armate. Noi non ci asteniamo dai codardi. Ma non ho il diritto di parlare del loro numero.

Redattore: Generale, grazie per la vostra disponibilità, prima di salutarci volete rivolgere dei saluti a qualcuno?

Generale Harun.: Grazie per il vostro interessamento, è stato un piacere per me. Vorrei ringraziare Güruh-i Eşkiya (il Capo dei banditi), Istiklal Bekcileri, la famiglia di Evrenosoglu, Gokturks e sicuramente il nostro Padisah Sihir, la sua famiglia e tutta la popolazione turca che è venuta in Grecia per la guerra. Io spero che i turchi si armino tutti per portare le armate turche alla vittoria.


Violet_ Redattrice per la Kap della Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia


Corrispondente per la KAP dello S.R.I.N.G., Naninella la braciola
Fonti hrp :

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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Jamais sans ma gousse

Messages : 3319
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 18

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar 2015 - 18:52

Ouah, ça faisait longtemps Smile

Réformaté et causifiant.
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Huguen11
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Jamais sans ma gousse

Messages : 3319
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 18

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 2 Nov 2016 - 19:24

Gnié ?

02/11/1464 L'armée du Grand Khan est vaincue ! a écrit:
L'armé️e du Grand Khan est vaincue et le camp brigand est maintenant sans dé️fense et à la merci des pillards.

02/11/1464 Démenti : le Grand Khan toujours en vie ! a écrit:
Le Shaman du Grand Khan nous confirme que l'armée de celui-ci n'a jamais été vaincue et qu'elle attend au contraire les envahisseurs étrangers de pied ferme !

Pourquoi je me sens légèrement largué, moi drunken ?

Réformaté et causifiant.
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Huguen11
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La Madgnifique Ambuleuse

Messages : 7950
Date d'inscription : 22/02/2010

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 2 Nov 2016 - 19:45

Mais non, je ne t'ai pas quitté !

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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Jamais sans ma gousse

Messages : 3319
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 18

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeMer 2 Nov 2016 - 20:03


Réformaté et causifiant.
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Huguen11
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Faucheur Volontaire

Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 8:33

Citation :
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Aap210

27/08/1466 Chronicles of Balkan, March-August 1466 

Dubovac (AAP) - I will try to report on what happened during this period in the Balkan peninsula, specifically in Croatia in the war against the Ordo Negrum Equites (ONE) led by Edward Justinian del Falco Bianco. The Balkan has never been a quiet region and neither was it. It all began in the first days of March when our scouts reported that in Smederevo, the capital of Serbia, 3 armies with ONE’s banner had appeared. Serbia has always been a client state of ONE, a kind of puppet state that is used for the interests of ONE. Nodes between Smederevo and Dubovac (the capital of Croatia) were full of enemy scouts. Along the Sava river something was moving. So March was a tense month as everyone was watching everyone but no one moved. Venice had its own problems.

Croatia seemed to sleep quietly but was boiling within. Bosnia was recovering from past wars. Albania was working to raise the fleet. On 28 March, our scouts spotted ships anchored in Sava river. They were 3 merchant Carracks. It was clear that they were ships of ONE and that was the best way to travel many nodes without being noticed. Croatia was told on at this date, 28 March 1466. On 1 April ONE’s armies entered in Dubovac, the capital of Croatia. In those 3 days, Croatia tried to raise its defense but its army was broken by ONE. 

And here begins our story. The first contact was with the Kingdom of Hungary but it answered that it wants to help but be afraid by ONE. These were problematic and difficult days for Croatia and Croatians. They defended with all they could Rijeka, the last city that was not taken... then. Than ONE began to burn everything, to raise taxes and to force people to obey. Croatia sent letters to the SRING chancellery, to Venice, to the Roman Church, everywhere... No one cared. Croatians, although alone without the support of Hungary didn't bow to the invaders. The situation in the Mediterranean sea was also hot as hell in that period. A part of our fleet was going to the Ligurian sea for a mission and part of it was going to Abruzzo to sink a ONE support ship. The French fleet was in the ports of Terra di Lavoro. ONE’s ships, in alliance with SAT organization, sunk 8 Ottoman ships in the Marmara sea. The Irish ships were in the Iberian Peninsula. Everything would happen at sea, and in a way it did. 

Coming back to Croatia... On May 22, there were so many ONE members in Croatia that they also won elections. They oppressed Croatians sending them to jail for nothing, raising taxes, killing them when possible also. Croatia tried to organize its armies elsewhere in Celje, but only one road was possible. And it was a Venetian road. But the Doge of Venice, Donpeppe, didn't open the gates to save them. This way he killed many Croatians (we don't know yet if he was collaborating with ONE, or if he was afraid of ONE possible retaliation). And what about SRING and Hungary? Please don't make me laugh. They were to busy doing nothing. 

What's next? Yeah, we organized the "Croatia Calling", we called all families, principalities, groups. Obvious there were spies among us, as in any group, family and organization, but we had never shown our real strength. We created bases in cities near Croatia, building the logistic line. It was the end of May and the first days of June if I remember well, when ONE tried to capture Venice. Yeah they annexed some miles of the Serenissima’s territory and they pushed their armies up to Udine. 

And this was the end of ONE’s adventure. All factions (from Croatia, Celje, Venice, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, Edirne, and in particularly families and groups Domagojević, Arpadovic, Erdődy, Zenicki, Black lily, İstiklâl, Brandolini D'Adda, Ó Néill, Muzaka, Montemayor ,Lanzichenecchi, Legjioni, Black Eagles, etc) gathered in armies named "BE for Croatia","The Langoliers", "LANDSKNECHT", "Black Eagles", "Populares", "Cohors venetica", "Ordo Invictum - I Legio Venetia". There were twice almost as many of us, and we were keen to free Croatia. No one in the world, not even ONE, expected that. We surrounded Croatia from all directions. Our main armies entered Venice, ships were in Croatian waters ready to attack and to disembark, 2 other armies were in Bosnia, many reservists also were scattered everywhere, ready to join armies. It was time to reveal our real strength. 

Then... Croatia rose like a Phoenix. And not only Croatia... Hungary also moved its armies, Florence offered its help. Letters came from around the world, as all wanted to help, one way or another. What about Austria or SRING again? Nahhh as I said they were too busy of doing nothing... neither condemned what ONE did there. Rumors says that SRING emperor, Freas, had an agreement with ONE, some says that he was too coward to enter in a war. Anyway... It was on 20 June... We entered in Croatia and gave freedom to Croatians... We gave them hope... There was never a night nor a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. ONE withdrew its troops in Serbia. ONE invaded Croatia with 5 armies if I'm not wrong... and they destroyed them all, turning back with 2 only. Croatia was set free and also peoples there.

Where are ONE’s armies now? In Serbia again. That is their fortress. They gave up Vallachia, leaving there just a small group. Now they are all in Serbia and de facto they rule there. 

What's next ?All warfare is all about deception !

Koron Muzaka, Dauphin du Royaume d'Arbërit for KAP

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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Faucheur Volontaire

Messages : 5831
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient   [RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Icon_minitimeSam 16 Nov 2019 - 9:51

Citation :
[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Aap210

10/11/1467 Clean Sea Operation in Greece

Saint George (KAP) - Between 6 and 8 October 1467, the maritime fleet of the Ordo Negrum Equites (O.N.E.) forced the entrance to the port of St George by destroying a large part of the Greek fleet. Headed by the Prince of Wallachia, the organisation's fleet approached the port of St George, at the foot of Mount Athos in Greece. The fighting took place at sea and within the port. After sinking a Greek reconnaissance ship, the ONE fleet invited itself into the port and sent 8 war carracks, 3 Genoese ships and a merchant carrack to the bottom. The estimated cost of the losses are ECU 179,000, according to calculations by a member of the Order, Dilligaf.

Why did they do that? If Dilligaf mischievously invokes "environmental reasons" to justify the destruction of the Greek fleet, the truth is elsewhere. The Ordo allegedly obtained information that the Greeks were about to sell warships to the Bulgarians, transporting them to the Black Sea in order to ruin the Sulina arsenal built with the help of the French Admiral. Bulgarians and Romanians being in a state of endemic war, travellers are strongly advised against travelling in the Balkans at the moment. Five Romanian armies are currently camping in Vidin, cutting off the road to the bridge over the Danube and cutting down all living souls.

to be read also: une Amirale de France chez les bachi-bouzouks

We contacted the Earl of Hellada, Fanis, to ask him for details about what had happened. He seemed to have discovered the news accidentally after opening our mail and says that "government ships are in dry dock". Nevertheless, the Count had access to the summary of the battle, thus knowing the names of the sunken ships*. While he claims to know nothing, he does not deny the facts reported.

Architect & cie for the KAP


[RP] l'Aristotélité, ce vaste monde [...] l'Orient Bannie10
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